Struggling To Speak As A Beginner Or Intermetidate Mandarin Learner?

Here’s How You Can Use The “Flipped Classroom” Method To Transform From A Frustrated Student To A Confident Chinese Conversationalist In Less Than 8 Weeks.

Without Moving To China, Studying For 6+ Hours A Day, Or Wrestling With Figuring Out Where To Start…

If You’re An Advanced Learner, Click Here

Let’s Get Something Straight… Learning Chinese Is Hard.

It’s not as simple as just picking up a new language. Unlike with an alphabet, there are characters that represent sounds and meaning. You also have to read and write something totally different than most other languages.

It’s hard to learn all of this because these new things feel unnatural – not to mention the tones, pronunciation, strange grammar, and word order too… Talk about overwhelming.

And when you combine all of these things with starting from scratch, you run into a host of other problems:

  • Anxiety or embarrassment that you’re going to say the wrong thing.

  • Being tongue-tied – like you know what to say in your head but the words just won’t come out.

  • Wrapping your mind around the sheer amount of new vocabulary – and a lot of them sound exactly the same…

  • Being able to read and write but not being able to say much.

  • Trying to keep your speaking skills on par with your listening.

  • Dealing with native speakers giving you “WTF” looks – like you’re not even speaking Chinese at all…

  • Putting so much time and effort into learning and feeling like all your hard work was for nothing…

This is a lot… and it may have you questioning your motivations for tackling Chinese in the first place – which can make you want to throw all your books and notes out the window. But how do you bypass these problems and learn Mandarin as quickly as possible? I’ll get to that in a minute, but…

What Would Happen If You Kept Learning Chinese By Yourself?

Well, you might become more and more anxious about talking in front of others due to your lack of feedback from someone who knows Mandarin – leading you to avoid speaking Mandarin altogether… even when it could be beneficial or necessary.

You might miss out on opportunities at work, or feel isolated in social situations because you either can’t understand what people are saying… or you can’t say more than where you’re from or what your name is.

If you’re living or traveling in China, you might struggle with basic conversations or communicating easily with locals. Some of the simplest things like ordering food, asking for directions, or handling simple transactions could feel impossible.

Worst of all, you might even start to question your ability to ever learn the language at all…

But I don’t want that for you. You deserve better. You don’t need to feel like Chinese is this “Great Wall” to climb…

You can learn Mandarin quickly and effectively if you have a step-by-step system that can hand guide you through the labyrinth that is the Chinese language. And I‘ve created a system for you that can do everything I just mentioned and more. And I call it…

Chat Like A Chinese Native - An 8-week Bootcamp Designed To Help You Easily Comprehend And Produce Most Chinese Sentences In Any Situation

It uses the “Flipped Classroom” method, which allows for active and personalized learning. Meaning you’ll be able to learn at your own pace and participate in hands-on activities that will quickly strengthen your Mandarin speaking skills.

You’ll get daily content tailored to your skill level that consists of everything you need to speak Mandarin as naturally as possible.

Each week of the bootcamp is divided into 5 days of material ranging from simple grammar and sentence structures to detailed demonstration clips breaking down how to use the content of the day.

You’ll be able to progress steadily and see tangible progress with your Chineseyour speaking confidence will go through the roof. You won’t have to waste time figuring out what to study, and everything will be laid out in an order that actually makes sense to you.

Meet Your Instructors


A.K.A. Fàn Lǎoshī 范老师

  • Designed and launched Rita's Chinese Academy, 2021

  • Started "Rita Mandarin Chinese" social media channels - 85k+ subscribers on YouTube & Instagram, 2024

  • ​​Chinese Teacher @ Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Beijing Academy, Tsinghua IUP, American University, 2012 - Present

Hú Lǎoshī

  • 10+ Years of experience teaching Chinese at the college level (Harvard Beijing Academy, Harvard University, Tsinghua IUP, the University of Notre Dame, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)

  • Specializes in Conversational, Elementary, Advanced, and Business Chinese

Bootcamp Dates Are 6.3.24-8.4.24

Here’s What You’ll Get Inside:

Daily Professional Feedback - A $497 Value

After sending in your daily mission to the discord server, our team of grandmaster instructors will tell you exactly what parts of your speech you need to work onthis takes all the guesswork out of which mistakes you’re making (if any).

Instructor Videos - A $397 Value

This is where Native Speaker coaches will break down grammar, sentence structures, and word order to get you speaking fluid Mandarin ASAP. These videos will make sure you never second-guess yourself (or freeze up) when speaking Chinese.

Weekly Live Streams – A $297 Value

The instructors will hold a live Zoom class every weekend where you can get any question you may have about Chinese answered. You’ll also get a chance to have 1-on-1 coaching during the class and see if you’ve mastered that week’s content. 

Demonstration Videos - A $147 Value

Here’s where your Mandarin coaches will demonstrate the content you’ve learned in real-life scenarios. Whether they’re in a library, coffee shop, or on the street, you’ll hear how everything you’ve learned is used in context. You’ll be able to shadow their speech to enhance your own – these videos will also crank your listening skills up a notch 😉

Authentic Native Speaker Video Clips – A $197 Value

Each lesson contains snippets of Chinese dramas, reality shows, and interviews. These clips show you how the core content of that day is used in Mandarin natives’ conversations – You’ll actually learn what people use every day.

Daily Missions - A $247 Value

Every day you’ll get a speaking mission to complete that includes the content you learned for that day. You’ll submit it as a voice note in our private discord where your Mandarin coaches will give you professional feedback – This is where you’ll fine-tune your Chinese and polish your mistakes.

Take A Look Inside The Program For Yourself 👀

You’ll Also Get These 3 FREE Bonuses!

Lifetime Access To The Private Chat Like A Chinese Native Discord Server - A $167 Value

This is where you’ll submit and get your feedback. You’ll have access to an entire community of native Chinese teachers and other students – There’s also a Mandarin Practice Corner Chat where you can speak as much as you want with other students – Talk your heart out kid 👏

Daily Quizzes - A $97 Value

Here you’ll be able to practice what you learned and ensure you understand the core content of the day. Hope you’re ready to test your metal 🥋

Tons of Practice Drills - A $397 Value

You’ll get more exercises than you can shake a stick at – You’ll get texts to read out loud, accompanying demonstration videos to mimic and shadow, and AI-generated pictures to describe using Mandarin. All the drill questions are carefully designed to help you use the content you learn each day – This is how speaking Mandarin becomes second nature.

Total Value: $2499

Price: One time Payment of $897


Total Value: $2499

Price: 2 Interest-free monthly payments of $467

“I can 100% guarantee that this will help you improve your Mandarin a lot.” - Eloisa -

“I cannot recommend these courses enough. They are definitely the brightest piece of material that I have been able to use along my Mandarin journey. - Leo -

What If You Could Think In Mandarin Instead Of Translate?

With Chat Like A Chinese Native, it’s extremely possible. No more throwing things at a wall and hoping that they’ll stick when studying. No more nervousness or anxiety when speaking. And no more “WTF” looks from native speakers…

You’ll develop a natural understanding of sentence structures, grammar patterns, and word order you won’t have to second guess any of this anymore. Not only will your speaking skills get better, but your listening will improve significantly, which will allow you to understand locals and engage in more meaningful conversations.

This is the type of language learning that could open up doors of opportunity for you – either through work or personal relationships with significant others or family members. Your newfound language abilities will allow you to fully immerse yourself in Chinese culture – which will create lifelong memories and experiences.

Chat Like A Chinese Native will transform you from a frustrated and anxious learner to a proficient speaker in less than 60 days. Are you ready?

Total Value: $2499

Price: One time Payment of $897


Total Value: $2499

Price: 2 Interest-free monthly payments of $467

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • While the price of the program may seem expensive, it’s important to consider the long-term value it provides. By improving your speaking skills, you open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth, which can lead to increased earning potential and a higher quality of life later on.

  • The lessons are structured in bite-sized modules that you can complete at your own pace, and the pro ram includes practical exercises and activities that you can integrate into your daily life. By dedicating just a small amount of time each day to consistent practice, you can make significant progress in your Mandarin speaking skills.

  • Yes, you can try the bootcamp out for a full 7 days. And if you don’t like the instructions, the way the bootcamp is taught, or the color of your name in our discord server… You can still get all your money back, no matter what. So there’s no risk when you enroll today.

  • Our program is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by Mandarin Chinese learners. It focuses on proven techniques and strategies to improve speaking skills. We have a track record of success, with numerous testimonials from students who have overcome their struggles and achieved fluency. Our program offers personalized feedback and support from experienced instructors to ensure that you stay on track and make steady progress – You won’t get this anywhere else

  • We break down the language learning process into manageable steps and provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed. Our instructors are dedicated to helping you overcome your fears and build confidence in your Mandarin speaking abilities. Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and our program is here to guide you every step of the way.

  • It’s possible, but you would have to spend a lot of time sifting through all the tutors out there to find the right fit for you. That would take much longer than 8 weeks. Even if you find one, you’ll end up spending thousands to get similar results. With our program, you can rest easy knowing that our coaches are the cream of the crop and will get you results faster than anyone else out there.

  • While self-study can be a valuable component of language learning, it often lacks the structure, accountability, and targeted feedback that this program provides. Our program offers a clear roadmap for success, with expertly crafted lessons and exercises that build upon each other to ensure steady progress. You'll also have access to a community of learners and instructors who can offer support, motivation, and opportunities for practice, which can be difficult to find when studying alone.

  • We’ll hold placement tests at the beginning of the bootcamp to test your current level. After the test, you will be placed in groups of other students close to your learning level. We’ll provide content that is relevant to your speaking knowledge and skill. This way you’re challenged just enough to make progress, but not challenged too much to where you get frustrated and want to give up.

  • Building confidence in speaking is one of the primary goals of the program. We create a safe and supportive environment where you can practice speaking without fear of judgment. Our instructors provide gentle guidance and encouragement, helping you overcome your anxieties and build self-assurance. You'll gradually develop the confidence you need to communicate effectively in Mandarin.

Total Value: $2499

Price: One time Payment of $897


Total Value: $2499

Price: 2 Interest-free monthly payments of $467